Al Wasset For Businessmen and Company Services

About us

Freelancing in the field of Data Collection and Analysis offering services to Multinational Companies for over 5 years, we have come along to establish Al Waseet for Businessmen and Company Services in 2022 to be able to deliver to authorised Agencies and Distributors in Libya multiple Marketing services . 


Our goal is to place Libya on top of the list of uprising and promising markets. As most markets worldwide, Libyan consumers are becoming aware of differences between competing brands and are keen on Learning more about each brand. 


The Libyan Market is a very profitable market for all companies to be present in. The goal of our company is to offer our partners studies about its competitors, how and when to launch their product and upon launching we offer multiple activities in order to elevate the success of the product to its optimal level.


Our skilled team of Brand Ambassadors here play an essential role as to delivering the message from our partner company directly to the consumer of the brand. 


For more information please visit our "Services" section